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01-28 21:53


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최근에 올라온 글

최근에 달린 댓글

혁상씨 갈챠주면서 올리는 포스팅~


Posted by 자수씨
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ㅁ 다룰 수 있는 것
  JSP, JSF, DWR, Java Web Start


  Spring (Ioc, AOP, MVC)


  GWT, Google gears, Google chart api

  Aptana Jaxer

  extjs, prototype.js, script.aculo.us, Yahoo UI

  Jakarta Commons Projects

ㅁ 하고 싶은 것
  JRuby, JAX-WS, Spring-WS, RCP, Plugin-project

  Java nio

ㅁ 해야 하는 것
  WebServices, SAP Netweaver
  정신 차리기

  소리 지켜주기~

ㅁ 사고 싶은 것
  컬러 레이저 프린터



  36 평 주상복합 아파트....

Posted by 자수씨
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page 16
 In Action

A. Read the dialogue with your teacher.
  Alex: Where do you work?
  Jane: I work at PNT

B. Whe can you use the following expression?
I work at PNT.    a. wher you meet someone for the first time
b. when you are in shcool
c. when you talk about your job

page 17
 With Your Words
Make sentences using the words below.
A  Where do you work?
B  I work at ABC.
Ballantine's Guinness Tiffany
Apple Dove Phillips

page 18
 Beyond Basic
A. Discover more expressions.
 Where do you work? 
  Who do you work for?
  What company do you work at?

 I work at PNT. 
  I work for PNT.
  I work in a publishing company.

B. Make dialogues using the new expressions. 
1. A  Where do you wokr?
  B  PNT에서 일해요.
2. A  어디서 일하세요?
  B  I work for BBC.
3. A  What company do you work at?
  B  호텔에서 일합니다.

page 19
 With Style
A. You are the people in the pictures. Make dialogues with your teacher.
A  Where do you wokr?
B  I work in a restaurant.
A  What do you do?
B  I'm a waiter.

1) 의사   2) 경찰   3) 소방관   4) 웨이트리스

 소방수 - firefighter
 소방서 - fire station
 경찰서 - police station

B. Match the people with where they work.
taxi driver Marvel Comics
cartoonist Fast Taxi Company
news anchor Asiana Airline
fight attendant PNT Broadcasting Company

Posted by 자수씨
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제너릭 못쓰는거 때문에 많이 불편해서 주말을 이용하여 도전...


Posted by 자수씨
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"닌텐도 좀 빌려줘~", "닌텐도 어떤 게임이 재밌어?" 등의 질문을 자주 받아봅니다.

회사에서 포터블 게임기 소모임을 허당으로 운영중인 저에게 닌텐도.. 닌텐도...

라고 불려지는 이것... 이건은 NDSL 입니다. (Nintendo Dual Screen Light... 맞나;;;)

2006년 12월 쯤... 여자친구가 기숙사로 들어가게 되어서 심심해 할까봐 사준 NDSL...

(저도 선물로 받았습니다... 이걸 노린게냐...)

PSP 에 질려갈때 쯤 손에 들어온 이 복덩이는 제 작은 가방 한켠에 디폴트로 탑재되어

여자친구와 ad-hoc 으로 만원 지하철에 멀리 떨어져 있어도 이어주는 매개체역활을

톡톡히 수행했습니다. (픽토챗으로다가 메세지도 보내고 ㅋㅋㅋ)

단연 최고의 게임은 응원단 2 입니다.

이미지출처: http://www.advanscene.com/

All S' clear 를 목표로 최고등급까지 달성하였으나... 세이브 파일이 이상해져서 날라가버린..

(3탄 나올때까지 안하렵니다.)

아래는 제 NDSL 입니다.

손때가 다분히 묻어 있는 이것이죠.. (현재 큰누나가 빌려서 하고 있습니다.)

큰누나한테 빼았겨 버리게 만들어버린 동물의 숲 (나쁜 게임 ㅠ_ㅠ)

한 때 출퇴근 전쟁의 전우 P군입니다. 아래쪽에 달린놈은 블루투쑤 동글입죠...

두 게임기의 사이즈는 거의 비슷하다고 볼 수 있습니다. 무게는 P군의 압승!!!

화질은 단연 P군의 압승이긴 하나 멀티미디어를 중점으로 만든 게 아니므로

NDSL은 게임의 질로써 승부를 합니다.

여성들과 아이들을 타겟으로 만들어진 게임으로 승부하는 NDSL....

그 미끼에 선량한 남성들이 낚인다네요~ (저도 포함입니다 ㅋㅋㅋ)

이상으로 저의 허접한 리뷰를 마칩니다.

Posted by 자수씨
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Text encoding

Specify text encoding with

chd=t:<chart data string>

Where <chart data string> consists of positive floating point numbers from zero (0.0) to 100.0, minus one (-1), and the pipe character (|).


  • Zero (0.0) = 0, 1.0 = 1 and so on up to 100.0 = 100.
  • Specify a missing value with minus one (-1).
  • If you have more than one set of data, separate each set with a pipe character (|).

For example: chd=t:10.0,58.0,95.0|30.0,8.0,63.0

Note: For text encoding, scale your data by converting it into percentages of the largest value in your data set.

Text encoding with data scaling

Specify text encoding with data scaling with two parameters

chd=t:<chart data string>
chds=<data set 1 minimum value>,<data set 1 maximum value>,<data set n minimum value>,<data set n maximum value>


  • <chart data string> consists of any positive or negative floating point numbers
  • <data set 1 minimum value> is the lowest number you want to apply to the first data set
  • <data set 1 maximum value> is the highest number you want to apply to the first data set, omit to specify 100
  • <data set n minimum value> is the lowest number you want to apply to the nth data set
  • <data set n maximum value> is the highest number you want to apply to the nth data set, omit to specify 100

If you supply fewer data scaling parameters than there are data sets the last scaling parameter is applied to the remaining data sets. Provide just one pair of scaling parameters to apply a single range to a chart.


  • This is not available for maps.
  • Specify a missing value with a number that is out of range.
  • If you have more than one set of data, separate each set with a pipe character (|).

For example: chd=t:30,-60,50,120,80&chds=-80,140

ㅁ text 타입으로 데이터를 넘길 경우 floating 타입의 0.0 ~ 100.0 과 -1 '|' 로 구성
ㅁ chds 는 범위를 지정하는 듯~?

출처: Google Chart API

Posted by 자수씨
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Chart size

Specify chart size with chs=<width in pixels>x<height in pixels>

For example, chs=300x200 generates a chart 300 pixels wide and 200 pixels high.

The largest possible area for all charts except maps is 300,000 pixels. As the maximum height or width is 1000 pixels, examples of maximum sizes are 1000x300, 300x1000, 600x500, 500x600, 800x375, and 375x800.

For maps, the maximum size is 440 pixels wide by 220 pixels high.

Pie charts are clipped (only partially visible) if the size specified is too small. General size guidelines for pie charts are:

  • a two-dimensional chart needs to be roughly twice as wide as it is high.
  • a three-dimensional chart needs to be roughly two and a half times wider than it is high.

chs 파라미터를 통해 width 와 height 픽셀을 지정합니다.

출처: Google Chart API

Posted by 자수씨
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URL format

Google Chart API URLs must be in the following format:

http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?<parameter 1>&<parameter 2>&<parameter n>

Note: Each URL must be all on one line.

Parameters are separated with the ampersand (&) character. You can specify as many parameters as you like, in any order. For example, the Chart API returns the following chart in response to the URL below:

Yellow pie chart



  • http://chart.apis.google.com/chart? is the Chart API's location.
  • & separates parameters.
  • chs=250x100 is the chart's size in pixels.
  • chd=t:60,40 is the chart's data.
  • cht=p3 is the chart's type.
  • chl=Hello|World is the chart's label.

You can include a Chart API image in an HTML document by embedding a URL within an <img> tag. For example, the following <img> tag results in the same image as above:

<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?
alt="Sample chart" />

기본 URL: http://chart.apis.google.com/chart
  chs: 차트 사이즈. [width]x[height] ex) chs=200x100
  chd: 차트 데이터
  cht: 차트 타입
  chl: 차트 레이블

PNG 타입의 이미지기 때문에 크기는 6 KB 정도밖에 안되네요

출처: Google Chart API

Posted by 자수씨
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The Google Chart API returns a PNG-format image in response to a URL. Several types of image can be generated: line, bar, and pie charts for example. For each image type you can specify attributes such as size, colors, and labels.

You can include a Chart API image in a webpage by embedding a URL within an <img> tag. When the webpage is displayed in a browser the Chart API renders the image within the page.

All the images in this document were generated with the Chart API. To view the URL of an image :

  • if you are using Firefox right-click then select View image or Properties.
  • if you are using Internet Explorer right-click then select Properties.

This document describes the required format of Chart API URLs and the available parameters.

- 파라미터에 따라 PNG 형식의 이미지 차트를 생성해주는 구글 차트 API

출처: Google Chart API

Posted by 자수씨
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Google App Engine

We've just released a preview of Google App Engine, an application-hosting tool that developers can use to build scalable web apps on top of Google's computing infrastructure. The goal is to make it easier for web developers to build and scale applications, instead of focusing on system administration and maintenance. In this preview release, accounts are limited to the first 10,000 signups.

이렇다고 하는데... 흠흠

자세한 건 나중에 슬슬 알아보도록 합시다~ ㅋㅋㅋ

Posted by 자수씨
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글 보관함

최근에 받은 트랙백