[EMF] developerWorks 자료들...
Eclipse/EMF / 2008. 7. 22. 16:19
Model with the Eclipse Modeling Framework, Part 1: Create UML models and generate code
Model with the Eclipse Modeling Framework, Part 2: Generate code with Eclipse's Java Emitter Templates
Model with the Eclipse Modeling Framework, Part 3: Customize generated models and editors with Eclipse's JMerge
"GMF 한글" 로 검색해서 나온 거 그냥 따라했는데... EMF 여서 좌절했다능...
어차피 할꺼니깐 정리들어갑니다.
Model with the Eclipse Modeling Framework, Part 2: Generate code with Eclipse's Java Emitter Templates
Model with the Eclipse Modeling Framework, Part 3: Customize generated models and editors with Eclipse's JMerge
"GMF 한글" 로 검색해서 나온 거 그냥 따라했는데... EMF 여서 좌절했다능...
어차피 할꺼니깐 정리들어갑니다.