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최근에 올라온 글

최근에 달린 댓글

Release Notes for GWT-Ext 2.0.3


  • Charts
    Supports for Charting via YUI charts. Line, Bar, Pie, Column charts are all available as a standard GWT-Ext Panel subclass. Charts use the standard Store as thier underlying data source. See demo here.
  • Mapping API
    Supports for Mapping API via Mapstraction. The supported Map providers include OpenStreetMap, Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Map24, MultiMap, MapQuest, FreeEarth and OpenLayers.
    Various Maps are now available as a standard GWT-Ext Panel subclass. The motivation for the GWT-Ext Mapping API is not to compete with the other GWT Google Maps API's which are far more feature rich and complete. This API is over mapstraction which provides several commonly used features such as markers, polylines, GeoRSS and such using the same API.
    The desired map provider can be instantiated by a factory, and the rest of the code remains the same and works across various map providers (some free, and others commercial). This gives users more flexibilty to pick a map provider that meets their needs and license requirements.. See demo here.
  • Portal
    Initial Portal support. See demo here here


  • Various Bug Fixes
  • Ext.isFirebug() to detect if Firebug is enabled
  • GridPanel.clearSortState()
  • Support for preserving ordering in PropertyGridPanel
  • com.gwtext.client.widgets.menu.Adapter class to allow and Component (like TextField) to be added to a Menu
  • API's to access various Button's on PagingToolbar

- Yahoo! UI Library 의 chart 가 추가되었네요~ 다른 버전의 swf 는 지원 안해주나...
- Mapping API 도 추가되어 매쉬업에 편의성이 가미되었네요~
- Portal 도 손쉽게 만들 수 있게 데모까지 제공해주네요~

- 여러가지 버그를 수정하였고
- Ext.isFirebug() 를 통하여 firefox 의 firebug 가 활성화 되어 있는지를 확인할 수 있습니다.
- GridPanel 에 clearSortState() 메소드가 변경되었나... 추가되었나...
- 그 외, PagingToolbar 버튼에 API 로 접근할 수 있게 되었다네요... (ㅠ_ㅠ.. 이거 안되서 다시 만들었는데...)

여튼 잘 발전하고 있는 gwt-ext 를 보면서 뿌듯함을 느낍니다.~

출처 : GWT-Ext Release Notes

Posted by 자수씨
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