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03-08 10:49


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최근에 올라온 글

최근에 달린 댓글

오늘 메이븐 쪽으로 찾다보니 익숙한 Ant 와 비교하는 표를 발견하였습니다.

Ant Expression Maven Expression
Built-in Tasks  
Ant maven-antrun-plugin
AntCall maven-antrun-plugin
Available profiles
BUnzip2 maven-assembly-plugin
BZip2 maven-assembly-plugin
Chmod maven-assembly-plugin
Condition profiles
Copy maven-resources-plugin
Dependset maven-dependency-plugin
Ear maven-ear-plugin
Filter maven-resources-plugin
Note: Filter uses the @...@ token while maven-resources-plugin uses the \$... token
FixCRLF maven-resources-plugin
GenKey maven-jar-plugin
GUnzip maven-assembly-plugin
GZip maven-assembly-plugin
Jar maven-jar-plugin
Javac maven-compiler-plugin
Javadoc/Javadoc2 maven-javadoc-plugin
LoadProperties maven-resources-plugin
Manifest maven-jar-plugin
Property maven-resources-plugin
Replace maven-resources-plugin
Note: Replace can specify its token while maven-resources-plugin uses the \$... token
Tar maven-assembly-plugin
Unjar maven-assembly-plugin
Untar maven-assembly-plugin
Unwar maven-assembly-plugin
Unzip maven-assembly-plugin
War maven-war-plugin
Zip maven-assembly-plugin
Optional Tasks  
Antlr maven-antlr-plugin
Depend maven-dependency-plugin
EJB Tasks maven-ejb-plugin
FTP maven-deploy-plugin
Note: maven-deploy-plugin can only deploy unto the FTP
JavaCC maven-compiler-plugin
JJDoc maven-compiler-plugin
JJTree maven-compiler-plugin
JUnit maven-surefire-plugin
JUnitReport maven-surefire-report-plugin
ServerDeploy maven-deploy-plugin
Setproxy maven-deploy-plugin
Translate maven-resources-plugin
Note: Translate can specify its own tokens and can have a different encoding scheme for reading and writing files. maven-resources-plugin however uses the \$... annotation only and has only one encoding scheme for reading and writing

나중에 도움이 될 것 같아 정리합니다.

Posted by 자수씨
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